


worshipserversThere are many ways to participate in worship. The first is just by being there and offering your praise and presence to God. Participation in liturgy and singing can encourage you and those around you. We each offer what we have with a thankful heart and joyful praise. God appreciates and blesses that offering. He is happy we are here!


Volunteers also make the service run smoothly. If you would like to help, speak to a Pastor or an Elder for information and training. Service is on a rotational basis. Opportunities include:


Greeters make themselves available in the narthex (lobby area) or outside of the church to provide a welcome greeting to members and visitors before and after the service.


Ushers help worshipers find their seats and get the materials they need. They also gather the offering, line up individuals for Holy Communion, and dismiss the assembly at the close of service.


Acolytes are youth in Confirmation class or older. They light and extinguish the candles. They also collect attendance cards and prayer requests during the offering.


Lay Readers

Volunteers read the Old Testament reading and Epistle lesson as part of the worship service.

Service Deacons

Service Deacons assist the Pastor with Holy Communion.


Audio-Visual Team

Members of the Audio-Visual Team set up the MediaShout and worship service slides for projection, advance the PowerPoint during the service, and handle any audio and/or videotaping of the service.

Nursery Volunteers

Nursery volunteers are adults who supervise children aged five and under during worship service when their parents feel the need for their child to have time away from the sanctuary.





© 2025 St. John Lutheran Church Darien
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community