Outreach Partnerships


Coins for CareNetwork Illinois


Ongoing Beginning in Januarycarenet

Caring Network Illinois was founded in 1981 by pastors and concerned lay people from 55 local churches who wished to do something positive in response to the legalization of abortion. Each year St. John participates in Coins for CareNet. Members take home a baby bottle on Sanctity of Human Life Weekend, fill it with coins, bring it back to church, and CareNet uses to the funds to help provide abstinence education until marriage education, ultrasound, parenting classes, nurse management, and post-abortion stress counseling.



Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 


Annually in September & Octoberocc4

Each year St. John partners with Samaritan's Purse to help deliver shoebox gifts to children in need in 160 countries. Each one—packed full of fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items by a family or individual—is sent with a Gospel tract in the child’s native language and prayers that the child who receives it will experience God’s love through their simple gifts.



Phil's Friends



IMG 1682Help provide care and encouragement to children and adult cancer patients by providing needed items for cancer care packs. Donations are collected on an ongoing basis and transported to Phil’s Friends, a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the LCMS, each quarter. 





St. Matthew Lutheran Church--LCMS, Chicago

Annually in September to December

coatsSt. John supports a sister Northern Illinois District congregation's mission outreach located in Chicago's Pilsen community. St. Matthew's soup kitchen, El Comedor Popular, provides sustenance to the homeless, unemployed, elderly, disabled, and others.  From September to December, a collection is sponsored to collect winter coats, hats, and gloves for those St. Matthew serves.



Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) of the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC)


Annually in November

remembranceEach year in the fall, St. John hosts the SOS’s annual Remembrance Ceremony to remember our fallen soldiers in all branches of the Armed Forces, to honor our survivors, and to recognize the sacrifices made by them and their families.






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