Prayer Support



Lifting each other up in prayer is seen as a way by which we develop our relationship with God and with others. Individuals are encouraged to engage in prayer throughout their day. Formal venues within St. John include:


Prayer Request Pew Cards

Individuals may ask for public and/or private pastoral prayers each week during the worship service.


The Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a group of people at St. John that functions as a ministry within our church family performing the God-ordained task of offering intercessory prayers on behalf of others. The group takes in the prayer requests of others for the purpose of giving spiritual support and aid. Prayer requests are passed through email to members of the chain. Each member is responsible for checking for incoming requests and then faithfully praying for those requests exactly as they are given. We have had great success in helping those in need of prayer feel the loving presence of God in a very real way. 







© 2025 St. John Lutheran Church Darien
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